Our God is a generous God.
Giving is an act of worship.
A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes other
will be refreshed
Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)
Online Giving
To make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, click on the button below and complete the form
For enhanced security, you will have to verify your identify with your cell phone number.
Text To Give
Text “Give” to 850-754-7223
You will be asked to register your bank or credit card information if this is the first time you are using this function. You also could text “EDIT” to update your information, setup a recurring gift, and check the status of a gift.
Other Options
CHECK You can submit a check and place it in the collection plate during offering.
CASH Please add cash to an envelope that is provided at the back of the sancuary chairs. Add your name to the envelope so that we can provide you with a tax receipt.